rašė: Hello,
I made a order, order nr: 1663795
I would like to receive an invoice with the following details.
Company name: MB "xxxxxxxxx",
Company code: xxxxxxxxx,
VAT payer code: xxxxxxxxx,
Company address: xxxxxxxxxx.
If possible, the copy of the invoice and I would like to receive by e-mail.
If you need additional information or documentation, please contact us.
parašiau taip tiekėjui ir prisegiau PVM mokėtojo kopija, ir gavau paprasta sąskaita su PVM, po to parašiau taip:
rašė: Hello, I need a VAT invoice which would indicate:
Company name: MB "xxxxxxxxx",
Company code: xxxxxxxxx,
VAT payer code: xxxxxxxxx,
Company address: xxxxxxxxxx.
We are company from Lithuania, we want to accent that Lithuania are a member of Europe union. We have a VAT payer code. It is 100008149914. Validation of VAT payer you can check here: ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/vatResponse.html .
If you need more evidence, ask and we will submit.
Please see ‘Registration certificate of value added tax payer’ attached.
If possible, the copy of the invoice (order nr: 1668112 and order nr: 1663795) I would like to receive with zero VAT range, otherwise it would be inappropriate to accounts.
The copy of the invoices we would like to receive by e-mail.
If you need additional information or documentation, feel free to contact us.
ir gavau atsakymą tokį su vėl paprastus invoisu
rašė: Dear Customer,
Thank you for your enquiry.
Please be advised that we cannot amend your invoice with specific requests. Please find your processed invoice attached; 1668112
Please contact us should you have any further queries.