Kaip teisingai deklaruoti crypto valiutas?

Senegalas 5
1 2022-06-01 16:17 Senegalas
Laba diena, iskilo klausimas kaip tai teisingai atlikti. Kada reikia moketi mokescius, ar tai butina deklaruoti kekvienu metu deklaraciju laikotarpiu?
Pateikiu kelis atvejus ir butu idomu suzinoti ka tokiais atvejais daryti:

In 2021 I bought crypto for 5k, by the end of tax year my portfolio is 7k but I haven't sold anything yet. In this case Do I declare 2k gains and pay taxes on it? And then for example bear market comes and my portfolio is 3k until end of another tax year. Doesn't that kinda mean that I paid taxes on something that eventually brought me into minus? Can I use that to offset taxes for other years profits?

In 2021 I bought crypto for 5k, by the end of tax year my portfolio is 7k but I have sold two times, 1 time in profits and other time not, in total I lost on these trades. Current portfolio is all crypto, no EUR.

In 2021 I bought crypto for 5k, by the end of tax year my portfolio is 7k but I have sold two times, both in profits. Current portfolio is all crypto, no EUR.

In 2021 I bought crypto for 5k, by the end of tax year my portfolio is 4k and I have sold two times in profits. Current portfolio is all crypto, no EUR.

In 2021 I bought crypto for 5k, by the end of tax year my portfolio is 4k and I have sold two times at loss. Current portfolio is all crypto, no EUR.

Dabar siuo metu mano investicijos graza yra apie -50% proc kadangi susimoviau pardavinedamas kada nereikia.
astuleee astuleee 3457
2022-06-01 16:41 astuleee
O Jūs kam sukūrėte 3 vienodas temas? Čia taip galvojat greičiau gausit atsakymą?
Senegalas 5
2022-06-06 17:44 Senegalas

astuleee rašė:
O Jūs kam sukūrėte 3 vienodas temas? Čia taip galvojat greičiau gausit atsakymą?

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