Ei tomukai

artas71 artas71 12029
2004-02-27 22:47 artas71
Skani, bjaurybė...Prosit...
tomukas tomukas 4528
2004-02-27 22:47 tomukas 2011-09-11 03-21
Loreta Loreta 28574
2004-02-27 22:52 Loreta
Atsivilkau didžiulę lupą - vis tiek nepritraukiu gradusų smile
Užkandėlės bent primestum - karti, bjaurybė smile
artas71 artas71 12029
2004-02-27 22:53 artas71
tomukas tomukas 4528
2004-02-27 22:56 tomukas 2011-09-11 03-21

artas71 artas71 12029
2004-02-27 22:59 artas71
Tinka...Dar po vieną...
Loreta Loreta 28574
2004-02-27 22:59 Loreta
Sąžinės tu neturi - nors apkepęs būtum. Žėk, kiek norinčių atsirado - prižadinom bebliaudami "comm on..."
artas71 artas71 12029
2004-02-27 23:07 artas71

Ladies and gentlemen, this is Mambo No 5

One, two , three four, five
everybody in the car so come on let's ride
To the liqueur-store around the corner,
the boys say they want some gin and juice
but I really don't wanna
beerbust like I had last week
I must stay deep 'cause talk is a cheap
I like Angela, Pamela, Sandra and Rita
and as I continue you know they're gettin' sweeter
so what can I do I really beg you my Lord
to me flirtin' it's just like a sport
anything fly it's all good let me dump it
please set in the trumpet

a little bit of Monica in my life
a little bit of Erica by my side
a little bit of Rita is all I need
a little bit of Tina is what I see
a little bit of Sandra in the sun
a little bit of Mary all night long
a little bit of Jessica here I am
a little bit of you makes me your man

jump up and down and move it all around
shake your head to the sound put your hands an the ground
take one step left and one step right
one to the front and one to the side
clap your hands once and clap your hands twice
and if it looks like this then you doin' it right

a little bit of Monica in my life
a little bit of Erica by my side
a little bit of Rita is all I need
a little bit of Tina is what I see
a little bit of Sandra in the sun
a little bit of Mary all night long
a little bit of Jessica here I am
a little bit of you makes me your man

Trumpet, the Trumpet!
Mambo No 5

a little bit of Monica in my life
a little bit of Erica by my side
a little bit of Rita is all I need
a little bit of Tina is what I see
a little bit of Sandra in the sun
a little bit of Mary all night long
a little bit of Jessica here I am
a little bit of you makes me your man

I do all to fall in love with a girl like you
You can't run and you can't hide you and me gonna touch the sky
Loreta Loreta 28574
2004-02-27 23:19 Loreta
Dainuoti - tai dainuoti

Friends Will Be Friends
Words and music by Freddie Mercury and John Deacon

Another red letter day
So the pound has dropped and the children are creating
The other half ran away
Taking all the cash and leaving you with the lumber
Got a pain in the chest
Doctor's on strike what you need is a rest

It's not easy love but you've got friends you can trust
Friends will be friends
When you're in need of love they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When you're through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hands cos friends will be friends right till the

Now it's a beautiful day
The postman delivered a letter from your lover
Only a phone call away
You tried to track him down but somebody stole his number
As a matter of fact
You're getting used to life without him in your way

It's so easy love cos you got friends you can trust
Friends will be friends
When you're in need of love they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When you're through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hands cos friends will be friends right till the

It's so easy love cos you got friends you can trust
Friends will be friends
When you're in need of love they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When you're through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hands cos friends will be friends right till the

Friends will be friends
When you're in need of love they give you care and attention
Friends will be friends
When you're through with life and all hope is lost
Hold out your hands cos right till the end-
Friends will be friends

smile smile smile
Loreta Loreta 28574
2004-02-27 23:37 Loreta
Niu, kadangi daugiau nebepilat - šiaušiu miegoti. Labos nakties
Dalia29 Dalia29 12616
2004-02-28 13:04 Dalia29
Dainininkai, blyn... Ir.....
Galvelių neskauda šiandien????
Per valandą tiek išlupo smile
Alonas 15
2004-02-28 13:56 Alonas
Kas čia CICINAS ar Amberlife'as?
tomukas tomukas 4528
2004-02-28 16:26 tomukas
Šiandien tikriausiai montuosiu geltonų kortelių sistemą, todėl neišsigąskit jei karts nuo karto pasipils klaidų pranešimai. Jie reiškia, kad aš krapštausi po tax'o vidurius smile

O šiaip viskas turėtų veikt normaliai smile
Ekfin 1881
2004-02-28 16:34 Ekfin
Tomukai, tiek to - išbandyk pirmą kortelę ant manęs.... Niekas klubų nenori steigti... smile
tomukas tomukas 4528
2004-02-28 16:36 tomukas 2011-09-11 03-21

Ekfin rašė: Tomukai, tiek to - išbandyk pirmą kortelę ant manęs.... Niekas klubų nenori steigti... smile

galim tada įsteigt bandomųjų triušių klubą ir ant jų visas naujoves bandyt smile
Ekfin 1881
2004-02-28 17:35 Ekfin 2011-09-11 03-21

tomukas rašė:

Ekfin rašė: Tomukai, tiek to - išbandyk pirmą kortelę ant manęs.... Niekas klubų nenori steigti... smile

galim tada įsteigt bandomųjų triušių klubą ir ant jų visas naujoves bandyt smile

Man tai bile kitoniškai.. Tik "triušis" kažkaip neskamba... O jei "triušė"... ?
Dalia29 Dalia29 12616
2004-02-28 17:40 Dalia29
Ekfin, ko laužaisi??? Kai taip tai "išbandyk ant manęs", o kai "delo došlo do...", tai iš karto moteriškę pakiši smile. Kaip tai klubų nėra???? Seniai jau, bet va Garbės nario nesulaukiam.... smile
Ekfin 1881
2004-02-28 17:43 Ekfin 2011-09-11 03-21

Dalia29 rašė: Ekfin, ko laužaisi??? Kai taip tai "išbandyk ant manęs", o kai "delo došlo do...", tai iš karto moteriškę pakiši smile. Kaip tai klubų nėra???? Seniai jau, bet va Garbės nario nesulaukiam.... smile

Ko. ko... ? Garbės ... triušio?
Dalia29 Dalia29 12616
2004-02-28 17:48 Dalia29
smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile
Ekfin 1881
2004-02-28 17:53 Ekfin
Gerai kad Loreta nemato - kaip mat kličką prikabintų..
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